Jekyll and Hyde with British Touring Shakespeare / Photo by Tom Godber.



Megan is a London-based actor from Kansas City, USA. She received her MA in Classical Acting from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts. She also holds a BA in Theatre from Loyola University Chicago, with minors in in Musical Theatre, Dance, and Shakespeare Studies.

With her strong musical theatre and dance background, Megan especially loves theatre that is highly physical and that involves lots of movement and stage combat. She is passionate about bringing classical works to contemporary audiences in a way that allows people to feel like they have a place in the story and a way to connect to it.

When not working, Megan enjoys reading, running, and practicing yoga. She loves a good road trip, and has been on one hundred and one roller coasters.


Upcoming: This summer, Megan will be returning to the role of Mary Wollestonecraft in Mary’s Daughters.

Recently: This winter, Megan multi-roled as Puck/Hippolyta/Starveling in The Whole Pack Theatre’s touring production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Earlier in 2024, she performed with British Touring Shakespeare as Viola in Thirteenth Night: Malvolio’s Revenge and as Cordelia in Jekyll and Hyde. She has also voiced characters in the UK English dubs of multiple series out now on Netflix, including The Empress (Season 2) and The Leopard (limited series).

Mary’s Daughters at the Space Theatre / Photo by Billy Steel (BiLLO Studio)